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Ready Rating Resources

Filtered by tag/category: Business

The Value of Household Preparedness

This video points out that during a crisis, especially a wide-scale crisis such as a severe storm, staff may be worried about family members, friends, pets, or important possessions. Having a household plan can reduce this anxiety, help keep people productive, and increases the safety net to those outside of the facility since they are also doing preparedness planning. #52 Staff members are encouraged to have emergency plans for their households.

2024-06-26T20:51:11+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|Tags: |

Testing Facility-wide Warning Systems

This video contains a quick discussion suggesting how to test this system. For example, send people to all parts of the facility and note when they hear or read something. Include a short mention of social media and texting as alerting mechanisms in this video. #31 We have a tested facility-wide warning system.

2024-06-26T20:47:53+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|Tags: |

Supporting Special Needs Populations

This video discusses being sensitive to various special needs populations and mention that the local fire department can help with this issue. The Americans with Disabilities Act may also provide guidance. #17 Arrangements are in place to accommodate the needs of people with disabilities during an emergency.

2024-06-26T20:41:37+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|Tags: |

Safety is a Priority

This video explains how using the principle that the safety of our staff and clients is our top priority aids in making decisions. Consider the needs of everyone present at a facility (workplace) and be sure that first time visitors are given some orientation to EM procedures. #1 The safety of our staff and clients is our top priority.

2024-06-26T20:33:04+00:00Categories: Participation|Tags: |

Resourcing Your Preparedness Program

This video explains what is meant by resources: management time and attention, assigning staff and 'goaling' them on implementing the program, gradually acquire equipment and prioritize the acquisition after reviewing their HVA. Point out this is an ongoing process. #5 Resources are available to support implementation of the Ready Rating Program's recommendations (e.g., staff, equipment, training, etc.)

2024-06-25T22:33:47+00:00Categories: Participation|Tags: |

Recruiting Safety Wardens

This video explains the general role of a Safety Warden and that they are part of the ERT. Discuss some of their responsibilities and the need for ongoing training. #16 Volunteers (i.e., Safety Wardens) have been recruited to work with the emergency response team during a crisis.

2024-06-25T22:30:10+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|Tags: |

Re-assessment of Threats

This video highlights the use and concepts behind doing an HVA. Point to the tool in the Resource Center and urge its use. #11 At least annually, the emergency response planning committee reviews our vulnerability to different types of emergencies situations (e.g., fires, floods, cyber-attacks, medical emergencies, etc.).

2024-06-25T22:18:38+00:00Categories: Participation|Tags: |

Protecting Vital Records

This video expands on the question by pointing out all the different types of physical and digital records that they want to protect. Also talk about having ways of accessing the emergency plan if the main facility is destroyed. #25 The emergency response plan addresses how to protect all physical and digital vital records during a crisis.

2024-06-25T22:01:53+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|Tags: |

Ongoing Training for the ERT

This video points out it is an accepted management principle not to ask someone to do something they have not been trained to do. Touch on the use of tabletop exercises and live drills as one approach to this challenge. #43 All emergency response team members are given ongoing emergency response training

2024-06-25T21:25:56+00:00Categories: Emergency Planning|Tags: |
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